Saturday, December 11, 2010

Care Bear - Veteran's Coalition Christmas Event

    The Cahaba Buffoons joined with the Veterans Coalition at their annual Care Bear event in support of the families of Soldiers who have been deployed on assignments. We've been working this gig for several years and truly enjoy this small measure of our appreciation for all the brave heroes in our armed forces. The above group shot with Santa and Mrs. Clause reflects some of the clowns who were presents. From left to right - Laffy Taffy, Chi Chi, Patches, Oreo, and Skeeter. Not pictured but also attending were Doc and Checkers.
Here's a picture of Skeeter dancing with one of his fans. Bill is a veteran of the service and always has a great time entertaining the children, husbands, and wives of our military personnel at this gig. Here he's dancing with one of his many admirers. 
Chi Chi (Jim Szeredy) is also a veteran having retired from the Army several years back. Jim is a traveling companion of mine and goes most anywhere that calls for a clowns involvement. Chi Chi came to us after first serving as a clown in El Paso, Texas.  Here he's giving one of his fans one of his famous swan balloon sculptures.adds a whole new dimension to the term "Clowning Around"
Laffy Taffy in deep conversation with one of the attendees at the gig. He, along with Chi Chi and Patches participated in the Dutton Parade earlier in the morning prior to this event. I think it can be fairly stated that we were a bit tired at the conclusion of this fine day of clowning.

Oreo and Checkers came early and stayed late at this event. They've both participated in the Care Bear program since it's inception and always have a great time tying balloons and interacting with the crowd. Oreo and Checkers are both service veterans, Checkers is also retired military. Both are quite proud of the contributions made by this new generation of soldiers defending our nation and way of life.

Skeeter, Reeder Nunery, Bill Hogan, and Patches. Both Reeder and Bill are members of the Directors Staff of Cahaba Shrine. Bill Hogan is a highly decorated veteran and we are very proud to consider him a friend of the clown unit and a fellow Noble of Cahaba.
Here's a picture of Skeeter, Chi Chi, Doc, and Patches. Doc (Eddie Phillips) came late to this event today as he worked another clown gig for Hope Place (a group that assists and supports battered women and their children). I like to say that the Cahaba Buffoons are the public relations arm of the Temple and I truly believe that our constant involvement in community events not only cheers us as individuals but goes a long way in bringing to light what the Shrine's purpose is. The care of children of all ages and the support of our fantastic hospital system.
It's great to be a Shrine Clown - it's simply Fez-Tastic!

For more pictures of this event visit:

Dutton Christmas Parade

Cahaba Shrine attended the Dutton Parade today (December 11th) with the Motor Corp, Jackson County Shrine Club, Marshal County Shrine Club, and the Cahaba Buffoons Clown Unit. We were also accompanied by several of our wonderful ladies and family members.

The Buffoons attending, and shown in this picture were Laffy Taffy (Don Foster) Patches (George Pipes), Spike (My Dad, Al Pipes), and Chi Chi (James Szeredy). Our trusty photographer Cricket was also in attendance.

Here's a picture of one of the Marshal County members, brother Merl. He looks a bit cold sitting in that little car but I'm sure he found some way to warm up a bit with the fine Chile and Hot dogs we all consumed after the parade was completed. Dutton has traditionally provided food for all participants after the parade and this year was no exception.

And just how many Shriner's does it take to keep one of these small vehicles going down the Road? Well in this case I counted at least five different Motor Corp members tinkering but success finally prevailed and their mechanical skills remain unblemished although they did get a bit of grease on their Noble fingers!

Here's a couple of our Motor Corp unit members braving the cold on those fantastic looking cycles. Brothers Richard Burns and Troy Newby. The parade route we took in Dutton didn't allow many drills due to the roads being so narrow but on the few occasions that they widened this group took full advantage of the opportunity!

The Jackson County Shrine Club was in strong attendance - here Noble Felix Tidwell is shown driving one of the jeeps that the crowd enjoys so much. This club supports the Shrine and our Hospitals in so many ways - I am proud to be a member of  such a fine group - they make us all proud!
This is what make getting up early, dealing with the cold, the broken down vehicles, the long drives, and all the other small aggravation worth while! As brother Imperial Sir George Mitchell is fond of saying - Isn't it great to be a Shriner! If's Fez-Tastic!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Scottsboro Christmas Parade

Wow - it sure was cold at this Parade but the many onlookers made the trip and the participation worth while. Chi Chi (James Szeredy), Patches (yours truly) and our trusty photographer Cricket (Regina) made the long drive to Scottsboro to join with Buggsy (Dennis Thomas) and the Jackson County Shrine Club in this annual event.

This picture reflects the van that the Jackson County Shrine Club uses for transporting the jeeps to various events throughout North Alabama. These fine Nobles support our hospital system in so many ways including transportation of patients to and from our Hospitals, fund raising for the philanthropy, and various civic events like this Christmas Parade. I am proud to be a member of such a fine group of Shrine Masons. 
After the parade was over Patches, Chi Chi, and Cricket visited our favorite Mexican Restaurant in Scottsboro where Regina took this festive picture of us and a few of the fantastic employees there.

More pictures of the parade and activities can be found at:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Firemans Christmas - Cahaba Shrine Center

Cahaba Shrine Center provided the Huntsville Fire Department the use of the center for their annual Fireman's Christmas party that supports handicapped children and adults each year. Also supporting the event each year are the Cahaba Shrine Buffoon unit. Picture here are Skeeter (Bill Claus), Patches (George Pipes), Mayor Tommy Battle, Chi Chi (James Szeredy), Sam the Patriot (James Brakefield), and Oreo (Roy Wilkerson).

Patches with one of the many children who attended this event. I think it's fantastic that the fire department provides such a community service as this, let alone all the selfless dedication they provide on a daily basis to all of us under their care. It was also great to see the Mayor in attendance and intermingling with everyone there. I'm sure he is terribly busy with running the local government, for him to take time out of his schedule to participate speaks volumes about his character and dedication to the community.

Oreo and Sam the Patriot doing balloon art. This was the first time Sam the Patriot attempted to tie balloons and under Oreo's tutelage he was tying swords and hats for many of the kids. I need to work with him on his clown name - it;s almost too long to type!

Skeeter with one of his many admirers. Just look at that little girl admiring this fine Joey!

And lastly, here is my good friend and traveling companion Chi Chi providing "I hugged a clown" stickers to anyone and everyone that came near enough to get a hug from him.Chi Chi came to Cahaba from a clown unit in El Paso Texas and we are proud to call him a member of our small alley here in Huntsville.

Much thanks to our unofficial photographer Cricket (Regina) who I may have to give a raise in pay if she continues to take such good pictures as these and the remainder that can be found at:


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Huntsville Christmas Parade

This morning Cahaba Shrine participated in the annual Huntsville Alabama Christmas Parade. Representatives of the Motor Corp and Clown Unit, along with Potentate Ill Sir Charles Beck arrived this morning at 11:00 and the parade started promptly at 12:00.

Chi Chi, Sam the Patriot, U.S. Coast Guard Panda Bear, Patches, and unidentified Coast Guard individual pose for pictures during the parade lineup. It sure was cold this morning!
Patches bumping noses with one of the more intelligent participants at the Huntsville Christmas Parade. This Blood Hound was very Clown Friendly and really wanted to join the unit but he didn't have a current dues card so Imperial rules didn't allow us to take him. So sad! 

Here's a few pictures of our Motor Corp Unit. They had a ball in the parade doing all sorts of drills and entertaining the public with the precision that is reflected in the many trophies they have won at Dixie and Southeastern conventions.

Here come the clowns! Patches, Chi Chi, and Oreo taking the clown cart for a ride. The parade was about a three mile trek and while we all walked and entertained the many children along the way with our clown antics it was nice to be able to take a periodic break and become motorized.

Here comes Smokey in one of the best looking prowlers you'll ever lay your eyes on. These little cars can really scoot around and Smokey has a special talent for taking out unsuspecting clowns who make the error of getting to close to his figure eight drills. Sure is a good thing he graduated from the motor cycles to the car! :)

And one final picture that says it all. This is really what it's about for Shriners and most especially Shrine Clowns. This little lady came running and gave this old clown a very large hug. A great finish to a very satisfying day in Huntsville Alabama!

Additional pictures of this event can be found at the following:

First Time Makeup Class

James (Sam the Patriot) Breakfield had his first makeup session with Patches, Bubbles, and Skeeter last Friday night (December 3rd) prior to our officer election meeting. James is from Hartsel Alabama and one of the most recent additions to our Cahaba Shrine Buffoon Unit.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Oneonta Christmas Parade

Last night Chi Chi,, Cricket, and Patches made the long trip to Oneonta Alabama from Hazel Green and met with our Cahaba clowns at the annual Oneonta Christmas parade. Oneonta is almost a two hour drive from where we live but it's one of the best parades on our calendar and we always look forward to attending.
The above photograph includes James Szeredy (Chi Chi), Dennis Thomas (Buggsy), and Patches. Unfortunately Mitch Adams (Smooch) was off gallivanting with the children and not available when our shutterbug expert Cricket took the photo.

After the parade most of the Cahaba attendees met at a local garage and had a fantastic feast including sandwiches, chili, and refreshments. This has become a tradition at the Oneonta parade and the fellowship is something we look forward to every year. It's what makes this parade special in our minds and hearts.

Tomorrow night we have our election of officers at Cahaba Shrine with their investment into those offices in January. Here's a picture of our current Potentate Ill Sir Charles Beck along with two overstuffed clowns at the post parade feast. Notice the guy on the left looks like he might have eaten a bit much!

It;s always cold at the Oneonta Parade so we look for all sorts of ways to stay warm. Pictured above are three of our Cahaba ladies (Dyann Newby, Bobbie Robertson, and Marcia Burns) attempting to keep this old clown from running back to the car heater! I should have taken this picture and made Cricket (Regina) get in this picture but I'm such a ham!!!
We have a whole string of events coming up over the next few weeks so stay tuned and check into my blog for new pictures, hopefully reflecting other clowns and participants. Saturday we have parades scheduled for Huntsville, Ardmore, Bridgeport, Stevenson, Hollywood, Shefield, and Grant. We will also have the annual Fireman's Christmas event on Sunday.

Here's location of these and other pictures from the Oneonta Parade:

Saturday, November 20, 2010

St. Jude Give Thanks 5K Walk

Today we got to play with all the kids, young and old, in the Saint Jude 5K walk. Those in attendance included Chi Chi (Jim Szeredy), Checkers (James Robinson), Oreo (Roy Wilkerson), and Patches (me). Accompanying this motley crew was our trusty unofficial photographer Cricket (Regina). We had a great time entertaining the children as can be seen in the attached photo's.

For more Photo's click on the following:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

St. Jude Give Thanks 5K Walk

This Saturday, November 20, 2010 volunteers will again be enaged in the St. Jude 5k walk at Huntsville Madison Square Mall. Contestants will begin registering at 7:00 a.m. at the food court entrance with the walk scheduled to start at 8:30 and closing, awards and recognition ceremony scheduled for 9:30. All activities will be concluded by 10:00 a.m. when the Mall officially opens.

I did this event last year solo but this year it looks like we will have a few more clowns in attendance to meet and greet the walkers and volunteers. Should you have any questions about the schedule, participation, or St. Jude in general contact the following:

Judith Londene
Alabama State Council ESA
St. Jude, Sr., Coordinator
H: 256-851-0791  C: 256-361-3476

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day Parade

Today the Buffoon Clown Unit of Cahaba Shrine Center were joined by other Nobles from Cahaba Shrine along with thousands of other like minded individuals to celebrate the contributions made by our veterans from the past all the way through the current era. This was a very well attended civic event that reflected the patriotism that is still alive and well in our fine country. What a thrill it was to participate.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The nose knows

Have you ever had a skin rash on your nose after being in makeup for several hours or after repeated applications like we encounter at circus events? If so you might want to consider what you are using to secure the nose and also how frequently you clean the built up residue from repeated applications of glue. Some of us are a bit allergic to the components in various glues just like we are sensitive to certain types of clown makeup. Also bacteria can develop inside your clown nose and result in not-so-pleasant irritations. Frequent cleaning with the suggested remover is highly recommended as is a simple bath of the nose in a detergent wash. I've recently been introduced to a relatively new approach of securing that most bothersome of  accessories, two sided tape, and I think I like the results. It makes the nose much easier to keep clean and works quite well in keeping the thing in-place.

Tut Fan Halloween Celebration

Yesterday the Cahaba Buffoons worked a gig at the Tut Fan Veterans home and helped them celebrate Halloween. Clowns in attendance were Steve (Bubbles), Jim (Checkers), and George (Patches). While there we had the honor of visiting with three of our Cahaba WW-II veterans Wiley Hardeman, David Grimes, and Fed (Muffit) Moffitt. We also helped Fred celebrate his 86th birthday.

It's such an honor to be with so many heroes and believe me this place was packed with them. Some, as you will see in the photo are not doing very well but quite a few are still in good health and spirits. Also in attendance were Sharon Ackermann, Mary Moffitt, and Lorraine Ballard (daughter of Mr. Hardman

Pictures of the event can be found at the following URL:

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Buddy Walk - Support of Children with Down Syndrome

Hello fellow Joeys! Boy did we have a great time today. Several Clowns of the Cahaba Shrine Buffoon Unit joined with new and old friends at the annual Buddy Walk in Huntsville held to support children afflicted with Down Syndrome. We always have a great time at this event and this yeas attendance was certainly no exception. Clowns in attendance today included Bubbles (Steve Ackermann), Chi Chi (Jim Szeredy), Skeeter (William "Bill" Claus), Bo Bo (Tim Wright), and Patches (Yours Truly). We were accompanied by our unofficial photographer Cricket (Regina Pipes).

more pictures:

After our Buddy Walk attendance we decided to visit with some friends at the local veterans home. It's always great to be with our old clown buddies and a special honor when they are veterans of world war II. We stopped in today to visit with Muffitt (Fred Moffitt) and Mr. Grimes (Ace Grimes father).

more pictures: