Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dutton Christmas Parade

Cahaba Shrine attended the Dutton Parade today (December 11th) with the Motor Corp, Jackson County Shrine Club, Marshal County Shrine Club, and the Cahaba Buffoons Clown Unit. We were also accompanied by several of our wonderful ladies and family members.

The Buffoons attending, and shown in this picture were Laffy Taffy (Don Foster) Patches (George Pipes), Spike (My Dad, Al Pipes), and Chi Chi (James Szeredy). Our trusty photographer Cricket was also in attendance.

Here's a picture of one of the Marshal County members, brother Merl. He looks a bit cold sitting in that little car but I'm sure he found some way to warm up a bit with the fine Chile and Hot dogs we all consumed after the parade was completed. Dutton has traditionally provided food for all participants after the parade and this year was no exception.

And just how many Shriner's does it take to keep one of these small vehicles going down the Road? Well in this case I counted at least five different Motor Corp members tinkering but success finally prevailed and their mechanical skills remain unblemished although they did get a bit of grease on their Noble fingers!

Here's a couple of our Motor Corp unit members braving the cold on those fantastic looking cycles. Brothers Richard Burns and Troy Newby. The parade route we took in Dutton didn't allow many drills due to the roads being so narrow but on the few occasions that they widened this group took full advantage of the opportunity!

The Jackson County Shrine Club was in strong attendance - here Noble Felix Tidwell is shown driving one of the jeeps that the crowd enjoys so much. This club supports the Shrine and our Hospitals in so many ways - I am proud to be a member of  such a fine group - they make us all proud!
This is what make getting up early, dealing with the cold, the broken down vehicles, the long drives, and all the other small aggravation worth while! As brother Imperial Sir George Mitchell is fond of saying - Isn't it great to be a Shriner! If's Fez-Tastic!!

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